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Main dealers for JOZ – silage pushers and robotic slurry scrapers

150 150 Wooldridge Milking Technologies

Wooldridge Milking Technologies are pleased to supply and support JOZ barn equipment including silage pushers and slurry robots. JOZ are world leaders in dairy barn automation from traditional automatic scrapers to robotic scrapers for solid and slatted floors. JOZ also produce the Moov-Pro feed pusher – arguably the best silage pusher currently available. Click here for the JOZ Moov-Pro feed pusher        Click here for the JOZ Barn-E manure robot for solid floors Click here for the JOZ website Please contact us for more information 01453 798090

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Afilab is eligible for the Countryside Productivity Small Grant Scheme.

150 150 Wooldridge Milking Technologies

Afilab – Vital knowhow in every drop. The Afilab milk analyser is installed at each milking point and measures the ratio of fat, protein, and lactose in the milk that each cow gives.  This is being monitored constantly and the Afilab’s  data collection provides on-line milking alerts as well as vital information that is utilised to detect the animals that require attention and improves the selection for genetic purposes.                     Features and benefits Early detection of Ketosis Early detection of SARA (sub acute ruminal acidosis) Precise planning of feed regime (using…

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Defender Optimus and Defender Basic – auto wash system

150 150 Wooldridge Milking Technologies

Wooldridge Milking Technologies have developed a series of automatic washing systems for your milking parlour at a cost significantly lower than other makes. Defender basic – Entry level system.  Control your wash water, amount, wash duration manually.  Chemicals are added at the press of a button.  This means you don’t need to handle chemicals, lift drums etc.  Chemicals can be purchased in larger volumes (200l) and no longer need to be stored in the dairy.  A simple calibrated pump simply adds the correct amount to the trough. Defender optimus – Fully automatic system.  Simply press a button and walk away. …

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FOOT-WASH pro by Fabdec

150 150 Wooldridge Milking Technologies

Read more to see how this great product can improve your herd mobility and foot health, increase yields through lower lameness and reduce the handling of dangerous chemicals.

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